Monday, February 18, 2013

Wow this blog is so outdated that I am seriously almost embarrassed. Ok I am embarrassed.  But I am turning a new page in my book.  In just 9 weeks I will be graduating from Weber State.  What does that mean?  I will tell you what that means.  MORE PLAY TIME.  Yes that means time to do things on the side again.  First things first though.  Catch up.

Well I guess I should do an introduction.  There are four in my family.  Austin is the only sibling I have but he is the best brother ever.  This is one of the only pictures that has all four of us in it.  My mom has brown hair now so the picture is still outdated but still. 

There is also another addition to the family.  My sister-in-law Jentry.  She has been a great addition to the family and we just love her.  What is not to love about Jentry. 

Next we have Eddy.  Eddy is the man of my life and my best friend.  When I am not at school or sleeping, I am with this guy right here.  Be preparded to hear many more stories about him later. 

I have traded off jobs a couple of times since HCA.  The last one that you kind of heard about was Kangaroo Zoo where I was a manager.  That job really taught me a lot, but it wasn't fitting the schedule I needed.  So I branched out to be a park maintenance crew for Kaysville City at Barnes Park.  That job was a blast.  The first day was high seventies and the next day was about fifty and it felt like a lake was being dumped on us.  It was there that I met one of the funnest people ever.  Angela Carrigan.  Immediate sister bonding took place.  I think it was the friendship that got us through the longest consecutive hottest days in Utah pretty much EVER.  What a time to pick to be outside.  But I wouldn't have traded it for anything in the world.

So as we went through the summer I had allergies.  It wasn't a big deal to me because I had had them before and so it was nothing special.  Well this time they didn't go away.  My first thought was that I was allergic to Angela... Ok just kidding.  By the end of the summer I had convinced myself to go get allergy tested.  I could not have prepared myself for what happened next.  So the nurse takes me back into this room that is only really big enough for the three of us.  I will talk about the third person later.  So then she brings out a tray of about 60 to 70 viles of who knows what.  Oh did I mention that there was another tray under that one.  The next thing she told me was that she was going to put a row of ten things that were in the tray to see if they would react.  I was thinking, Why do you need to many viles then.  My answer came when she said I would have to wait for what felt like an eternity before we could measure how big of a reaction if produced.

Row one came and most of them grew to a big size, but there was one that was like a mosquito bite on steroids.  Most of the bumps after that were about the same size.  She had this cream to put on after every row and that stuff saved my arm from being scratched to death.  After about 7 rows of ten, I found out I was allergic to grass of all kinds, about half of the trees in this area, russian olive, thistles, hay, horses, feathers, and last but not least... Dust mites.  The dust mites, grass, and a couple other things registered a 7 out of 6.  In case you forgot where I worked this summer, I worked at a park.  Made me laugh to think about it and mad because that was the best job I had ever had.  I loved it.  the result from this trip to the doctor is that I have to have two shots in once a week for 2 to 3 years.  I will be starting those sometime this summer so look for that story.

So after the summer of last year, I left the working worlds to focus on finishing my last two semesters of schooling.  Fall semester came and now I am on my last semester of schooling.  I am going to be graduating on April 26th with a degree in Early Childhood with a Family Studies minor.  It has been a long time coming, but I am totally excited to start the next chapter in my life. 

I mentioned a third person in the allergy story and now is the time to introduce him.  This wonderful person is Eddy.  Eddy and I have been best friends for a long time and dated for most of the time we have known each other.  He has been so supportive of everything I do and we have awesome adventures every day.  Last year we got to go on vacation up to Afton and Jackson with my parents.  Way fun!  On June 27, we brought two of the cutest puppies into our lives.  Gypsy and Shadow have been a new experience but one that I would make a hundred times over.  They are so excited to see people and love to be with you.  Yes we dressed them up.  With cute faces like these who wouldn't!

Recently my cousin Megan has created her challenge on her blog soulfulbrilliance that takes you on a journey of reflection and food for thought.  Highly recommend that you check out her blog.  It is freaking awesome.

The original idea behind this blog was to show all of the quilts that I have made and put them up for sale.  Well it didn't really work the way I originally thought so I am turning it into a blog about me and what I do.  The quilt and craft stuff will be on the side.  Hopefully I will have pictures up on the next go around.

Well that is a little about what has happened since I last updated.  I will be updating more frequently so please keep in touch. Until then have a wonderful day and do something fun.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I'm Back!!!!

Hello to my future readers. I am back and ready to start a new chapter of my life. I am getting ready to embark on a journey as I say goodbye to friends, start a new part time job, and go to school. Over the next little bit, I will be updating my blog and catching up on some things that I have made over the years. There are some quilts that I am especially fond of and can hardly wait to show you.

If any of you have recipes, crafts, fun ideas, or anything else to share please do. I am interested in hearing what you have to say. Feel free to comment about anything you see on the blog as well. Comments are definitely encouraged!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hey Everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to come and see my sight. I will be working on get everything up to speed here shortly. Pictures will be coming of some quilts that I have made recently as well as a couple of cross stitch pitcures. All suggestions and comments are welcome. I look forward to chatting with you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Welcome to my new blog.